Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bad day at the Bank!!!

I just need to share to all what happened to me at the bank on Tuesday. An older man came in and asked me to cash a check for him that wasn't written to him at all. "I'm sorry sir, the check has to actually be written to you and it is not. I'm afraid that I cannot do that for you." That seems like a polite enough response right? Well that did not do it for him. He yelled at me and told me that he has "been banking here his whole life and don't understand why you won't do that." I apologize again. End of conversation. He turned around, stomped out of the branch while throwing the door as hard as he could and slamming it to the best of his ability. I kind of laughed and then felt bad that he was so upset over it all. I thought then the normal everyday bank business could go on from there. Boy was I wrong...the next thing I know the old man was blaring his horn while tearing through the drive-up and shooting me the bird!!!! Ha. I didn't know that I could have such an effect on someone. The funniest part of it all was that the check was only for $20.


Unknown said...

Are you sure that old man wasn't my FIL? Because some people I'm now related to tend to overreact, and (just perhaps!) it will lead to a heart attack one day.

I bet that $20 was for something REALLY important.

Kristy said...

Ha! That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! I love that these random things always seem to happen to you!